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The City of Pomeroy is now accepting applications for a seasonal, part-time mowing position at the Pomeroy City Cemetery.  Applicant must have a valid Washington State driver’s license, be over the age of 18, and have knowledge of mower maintenance.  The wage for this position is $18.00/hr. 


Applications are available on the City’s website or can be picked up at City Hall.  An application can also be requested by calling 509-843-1601 or emailing clerk1@pomeroy-wa.comDrop off completed applications at Pomeroy City Hall, N. 80 7th Street, or mail to City of Pomeroy, PO Box 370, Pomeroy WA 99347.  Applications will be accepted until Friday, March 28th. For more information, please contact Mike Lockard at 509-843-3936.  Equal Opportunity Employer.


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